Are you a developer or would like to branch into development but are unsure of your costs?
Undertaking a development can be risky, but what if there was a way to remove the risk and ensure a successful completion?
At MMC, we have a tried and tested process to ensure your development will be profitable and stress free.

For best results, we should be involved as early as possible, before planning to ensure the optimum and most cost & income-effective density. By working closely with your design team, we can provide various scenarios to get the best value from the site.
We produce the overall development feasibility which contains land costs, construction costs, fees, contributions and finance. The development feasibility also contains the sales prices from which we calculate projected percentage profit.
Once this is done, we look at the most cost-effective and practical form of delivery of the project and produce options for various construction methodologies.
When this has been decided, we produce a detailed budget. Here we code all the rates into labour plant and material. This is important to allow detailed accurate procurement and construction phase management.
The detailed budget is the most important document for a commercially successful project, so it’s important to set it up right from the outset.
From this, we split out the trade packages for tendering. Because all our rates are coded, we are able to allocate budgets for each trade package.
We then tender each trade package, negotiate with lowest returned tenderers and sign the preferred trade contractor up to a contract. Then there is a clear basis to valuing the works and assignment of responsibilities, ensuring certainty for the developer and the trade contractor.
The same process is applied to materials procurement, ensuring the best value is obtained for all supplies.
We can also tender for the best finance terms and produce the project cashflows to assess peak funding requirements.
This ensures that your all costs will be within the overall budget.
Over the past number of years we have helped our clients to successfully complete 640 units with 875 currently on site and another 600 due to commence. As such, we have a wealth of experience and knowledge that can benefit your project.
We have turned previously unviable sites into profitable ones through our process.
If this is of interest to you or your clients, please get in touch to arrange an appointment to see how we can help on your journey.
Summary of the Services:​
Feasibility Studies – At the outset of a project, we undertake a detailed feasibility analysis to set out all costs associated with a development, from land costs to construction costs, finance, administration, fees and charges and marketing costs to give a complete assessment of a project. This is compared with projected income to assess the total profit of a scheme.
Detailed Budgets – Following on from the feasibility study, we prepare detailed budgets as the design develops to ensure that costs are managed and controlled as the scheme design is being developed. The budgets are split into labour, material, plant and subcontract budgets as required by client for the next stage.
Tender Packages – Once the design is developed and the detailed budgets completed, we prepare tender packages for competitive tender. These are then compared to our detailed budget for cost management and subcontractors are signed up to standard subcontract agreements.